¡La galería WOW! Gallery Berlin | Imágenes, contenido y experiencia

Buy a voucher for the WOW Gallery

Perfect for Christmas gifts, birthdays or as a surprise for friends and family.

In der WOW Gallery können Gutscheine für verschiedene Anlässe wie Geburtstage, Hochzeiten und Jubiläen erworben werden. Diese Gutscheine sind eine tolle Möglichkeit, ein einzigartiges Erlebnis zu verschenken. Hier sind einige wichtige Informationen über die Gutscheine der WOW Gallery:

Online purchase: Vouchers can be conveniently purchased via the WOW Gallery online store. To do so, click on the 'Buy voucher' button and you can then choose between various ticket options or value vouchers.

Validity: The vouchers have a minimum shelf life of one year. Attempts will also be made to convert expired vouchers for customers, although this cannot be guaranteed.

Restrictions: A promotional voucher cannot be used to purchase another voucher.

Transferability: The vouchers are transferable and can therefore be used flexibly, making them ideal gifts for different occasions.

Customer service: In the event of problems with the online purchase or for further questions about the vouchers, customers can contact the e-mail address booking@thewowgallery.de.

These vouchers are an excellent way to give the gift of a special experience at the WOW Gallery and are suitable for a variety of occasions.