The WOW! Gallery Berlin | Images, Content and Experience


A selfie museum in Berlin? You probably haven't heard the term "selfie museum" too often. We'll explain what a selfie museum is and why it's definitely worth a visit.

What is a Selfie Museum?

Since the invention of smartphones, it has become possible for more and more people to take portraits of themselves. Such self-portraits, also called selfies, have become a real cultural phenomenon in recent years. Every owner of a smartphone with a front-facing camera has taken a selfie of themselves at some point. Because of its growing popularity, we've now dedicated its own museum to the selfie. Every corner of the WOW! Gallery is designed to shoot the perfect selfie.

Selfies with WOW effect - that's what our museum stands for.

Colorful selfie world

Whoever enters the museum for the first time, you can't help but let out an astonished "WOW!". Huge ball baths, professional lighting and confetti cannons - that's what awaits visitors to our Selfie Museum. Over 25 interactive installations want to be discovered and used as a photo backdrop. Guests have 90 minutes to let off steam and bathe in the spotlight. The resulting photos can, of course, be kept and uploaded to Instagram and Co.

3...2...1... Confetti! Jumping is the order of the day in the confetti room.

Art at your fingertips

Anders als in gewöhnlichen Museen dürfen die Ausstellungsstücke angefasst werden – sie sollen es sogar. Trampolinspringen, ins Bällebad hüpfen oder ein Spaziergang durchs Glitzerlabyrinth? Dass Kunstausstellungen auch Spaß machen können, beweist unser Selfie Museum mit Leichtigkeit. Der Stil der Kulissen lässt sich unter dem Begriff „Pop Art” zusammenfassen – zeitgenössische Kunst für Jung und Alt.

Jumping into the ball pool is not only a lot of fun, it also looks cool.

Clear the stage for you

Well-lit scenes, colorful backdrops and lots of glitter - what is otherwise reserved for stars and starlets belongs for 90 minutes to anyone who is willing to pay admission. Normally, professional photo shoots are expensive and time-consuming. In the WOW! Gallery, anyone can become a professional photographer and shoot as many photos as they want in 90 minutes. Those who want assistance can book a photographer and / or a professional stylist.

Museum of Selfies based on pop-up principle

The exhibited backdrops of the WOW! Gallery are temporary. An installation that serves as the backdrop for hundreds of great selfies one month may not be available the next. We are constantly improving, adding to, and changing our museum to provide a varied experience for our returning visitors. In addition, our installations open up nearly endless possibilities for creating a unique selfie through changing lighting. Light shows or specific colors can even be pre-programmed by arrangement.

Prices for Selfie Museum

Für den perfekten Tag im Selfie-Museum benötigst du drei Dinge: Eine Kamera (die Frontkamera deines Smartphones genügt!), einen Selfie-Stick und natürlich: ein Ticket. Hier findest du die aktuellen Eintrittspreise.